
Frequently Requested Topics:

Knowing Self, Knowing Others, Knowing God

According to Thich Nhat Hanh, “The real miracle is not to walk on water but to walk on earth...to encounter God right in the present moment when we are washing the dishes, looking at a flower, looking into the eyes of another.”  Participants are invited to distinguish between narcissistic navel-gazing and the theological relevance of how deepening one’s knowledge of self and others can lead to a fuller communion with Spirit. 

Love’s Journey: A Retreat for Couples

What does your journey with your partner have to do with experiencing your faith?  And how might delving into the beautiful and bumpy aspects of this relationship expand your capacity for experiencing the Holy? We will explore these queries through images, music, and stories.  Whether you are with a long-time partner or on the precipice of new romance, we will consider how you might live in deeper presence to your life — by being willing to encounter the fullness of your humanity, brought most especially into relief through your closest relationships. 

The Spirituality of Aging

Do you fear or embrace the aging process?  While we live in a society which extols youth, we are also living in an era where people in the second half of life encounter more possibility than ever before.  Explore the losses and opportunities which surface as we age, and ponder the questions and spiritual practices that reveal where we find generativity and vitality, and uncover the places that are barren and brittle.

The Inner Landscape of Beauty

In our culture we often confuse glamour and polish for beauty, meanwhile neglecting the inner work of the soul, which can lead to true luminosity. Through images, music, poetry and interactive questions, women are invited to consider their longing for Beauty, encounters with Beauty, and thresholds to Beauty...Not Clinique or Lanôcme beauty, which is all well and good, but Divine Beauty, which is beyond words. 

Exploring The Mother Daughter Relationship

A woman’s relationship with her mother is among the most profound in her life.  Explore the joys and challenges that mothers and daughters encounter as they yearn to be close  and also struggle to separate.  Gain insight into the woman you’ve become by exploring your story with your mother.

Retreats and Lectures

Jeannie likes to engage a variety of portals when listening and lecturing: music, images, poetry, prayer, and questions — all as invitations for people to continue awakening to the mystery of Spirit in all of life. 

Who seeks it?

Wellness centers, faith communities, women’s groups, and business associations. 

Practical Matters: 

Premiere Speakers Bureau books Jeannie for events. To view comments from attendees, click here
